POSIX shell cheat sheet

Reference syntax and commands for POSIX shell scripting.
  1. Conditional expressions
    1. Variable conditionals
    2. Variable comparisons
    3. File conditionals
  2. Operators
    1. Assignment
    2. Logical
    3. Arithmetic
  3. Parameter expansion
    1. Replacement
    2. Length
    3. Default Value
  4. Escape sequences
    1. Text Colors
    2. Text Attributes
  5. Internal and environment variables
  6. References

Conditional expressions

For use in [ ] if [ ]; then and test.

Note: When writing a bash or zsh script, use [[ instead of POSIX [.

Variable conditionals

Use these to check if a variable is empty or non-empty.

Expression Value Description
-n var If the length of string is non-zero.
-z var If the length of string is zero.

Variable comparisons


Expression Description
var1 = var2 Equal to.
var1 != var2 Not equal to.

Note: Use == instead of = inside of [[ for bash, zsh scripts.


Expression Description
var1 -eq var2 Equal to.
var1 -ne var2 Not equal to.
var1 -gt var2 Greater than.
var1 -ge var2 Greater than or equal to.
var1 -lt var2 Less than.
var1 -le var2 Less than or equal to.

File conditionals


Expression Value Description
-e file If file exists and is any type.
-f file If file exists and is a regular file.
-d file If file exists and is a directory.
-h/-L file If file exists and is a symbolic link.
-r file If file exists and is readable.
-w file If file exists and is writable.
-x file If file exists and is executable.
-s file If file exists and has non-zero size (is non-empty).


Expression Value Description
-b file If file exists and is a block special file.
-c file If file exists and is a character special file.
-g file If file exists and its set-group-id bit is set.
-p file If file exists and is a named pipe (FIFO).
-t fd If file descriptor is open and refers to a terminal.
-u file If file exists and its set-user-id bit is set.
-S file If file exists and is a socket.



Operator Description
= Initialize or change the value of a variable.


Operator Description
&& AND
|| OR


Operator Description
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulo
+= Plus-Equal
-= Minus-Equal
*= Times-Equal
/= Slash-Equal
%= Mod-Equal

Parameter expansion

Use these in place of awk or sed calls when possible.


Parameter Description
${VAR//PATTERN/REPLACE} Substitute pattern with replacement.
${VAR#PATTERN} Remove shortest match of pattern from start.
${VAR##PATTERN} Remove longest match of pattern from start.
${VAR%PATTERN} Remove shortest match of pattern from end.
${VAR%%PATTERN} Remove longest match of pattern from end.


Parameter Description
${#VAR} Length of var in characters.

Default Value

Parameter Description
${VAR:-STRING} If VAR is empty or unset, use STRING as its value.
${VAR-STRING} If VAR is unset, use STRING as its value.
${VAR:=STRING} If VAR is empty or unset, set the value of VAR to STRING.
${VAR=STRING} If VAR is unset, set the value of VAR to STRING.
${VAR:+STRING} If VAR is not empty, use STRING as its value.
${VAR+STRING} If VAR is set, use STRING as its value.
${VAR:?STRING} Display an error if empty or unset.
${VAR?STRING} Display an error if unset.

Escape sequences

Text Colors

Note: Sequences using RGB values only work in 24-bit true-color mode.

Sequence Description Value
\033[38;5;<NUM>m Set text foreground color. 0-255
\033[48;5;<NUM>m Set text background color. 0-255
\033[38;2;<R>;<G>;<B>m Set text foreground color to RGB color. R, G, B
\033[48;2;<R>;<G>;<B>m Set text background color to RGB color. R, G, B

Text Attributes

Sequence Description
\033[m Reset text formatting and colors.
\033[1m Bold text.
\033[2m Faint text.
\033[3m Italic text.
\033[4m Underline text.
\033[5m Slow blink.
\033[7m Swap foreground and background colors.
\033[8m Hidden text.
\033[9m Strike-through text.

Internal and environment variables

Variable Description
$- Shell options
$$ Current shell PID
