Generate an SSH key pair
First, check to see if one already exists.
ls -l ~/.ssh/id_rsa*
# Remove existing keys
rm ~/.ssh/id_rsa*
Create a new keypair.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -C <EMAIL>
On macOS Sierra, you have to enable keychain storage in ~/.ssh/config
to save your passphrase.
Host *
UseKeychain yes
Add the newly created private key to the macOS keychain.
ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Copy the public key to the clipboard.
cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy
Add your newly created public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
file of the remote server. Be sure to ensure the correct permissions of both the remote ~/.ssh
folder (700) and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
Use Homebrew to manage programs
Homebrew is an incredibly useful package and application manager for macOS.
Install Homebrew
Create sbin/
directory and set permissions.
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/sbin/
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/sbin/
Install Xcode command line tools (CLT).
xcode-select --install
Run the Homebrew install script.
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
For reference, here’s how to uninstall.
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Homebrew needs to be updated on a regular schedule.
brew update
brew upgrade
brew cask outdated | xargs brew cask reinstall
echo "Homebrew leaves ===="
brew leaves
echo "Homebrew versions ===="
brew list --versions
echo "Homebrew dependencies ===="
brew deps --installed --tree
brew outdated
brew cask outdated
brew missing
echo "Homebrew doctor ===="
brew doctor
Clean up
Periodically, clean up should be performed. Otherwise, downloaded installers will take up a lot of local disk space, and can max out an SSD.
brew cleanup -s
brew cask cleanup
brew prune
Note that R should be installed using brew cask install r
instead of brew install r
. This command will install the latest official
binary, which has two main advantages: (1) support in the RStudio IDE, and (2) fast downloading of pre-compiled packages from CRAN.
Configure Python
Python is useful for scripting workflows. Homebrew can manage installations of both versions 2 and 3 and the launcher application automatically.
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
Preferences and settings
Monospace fonts
- SF Mono (bundled with Xcode)
- Hack
- Inconsolata
- Consolas
- Operator Mono
- Courier Prime
- Source Code Pro
Color palettes
Download the base16 templates:
Ocean is the preferred color scheme.
Download our and profiles.
r-exec enables the user to run R code directly from Atom.
apm install r-exec
Microsoft Excel
- Turn off “Display this number of decimal places”.
Default font
should be set toBody Font
.- Preserve display of dates entered with four-digit years should be on.
- Turn off AutoComplete.
Change system defaults
Unhide the user library.
chflags nohidden ~/Library
Speed up user interface animations.
defaults write autohide-delay -float 0
defaults write autohide-time-modifier -int 0
defaults write DisableAllAnimations -bool true
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSWindowResizeTime .001
killall Dock
killall Finder
Don’t write .DS_Store
files to network storage.
defaults write DSDontWriteNetworkStores true
Save screenshots into ~/Documents/
, instead of ~/Desktop/
mkdir -p "$screenshots_dir"
defaults write disable-shadow -bool true
defaults write location "$screenshots_dir"
defaults write name Screenshot
killall SystemUIServer
Disable podcasts in iTunes.
defaults write disablePodcasts -bool YES
Final steps
- Add custom dictionary on iCloud to Microsoft Word.
- Automount NFS shares on NAS.
- Exclude
from Time Machine.
- Rob Griffiths: Speed up your Mac via hidden prefs